Reign 37:

The Court of Turtle Island
The House of Showgirls, Leather and Kilted Men

The Leather and Kilted Tanzanite, Kihew Emperor,
Emperor 37 Okimawiw Kevin Lionheart-Davidson.

The Shimmering Diamond Showgirl
Empress 37 Lily DeVine


The Amethyst Red Arrow Leatherman
ICP to the 37th Reign 
Robert Jeyes

The Sapphire Phoenix 
ICP to Reign 37 Reign

2S Emperor’s Heirs include a Masculine and a Feminine Heirs
Emperor 25 Ron DaMae Bouvier
Empress 29 & 31 Morgan James
You can choose who represents what spirit.

Empress’ Heirs
Empress 33 Bekka Blake
Empress 30 & 34 Nikki Chin

Half Empress - Lucinda Rear
Half Empress DW Meadows

Half Emperor - Dante Lionheart-Davidwson - Eastern Half
Half Emperor - Just Jack - Southern Half

Kevin Horn - TICOT Emperor 37’s Ambassador to the West

Charities of Choice:
Anishnawbe Health Foundation along withThe Native Women's Resource Centre of Toronto
PWA Food Esental Market

Tsi Tyónnheht Onkwawén:na


Charities of Choice for Reign 37: 
PWA TORONTO - Food Essentials Market
Anishnawbe Health Toronto
Native Woman’s Resource Centre Of Toronto
Tsi Tyonmheht Onkwawenima Language and Cultural Centre